It may seem like I've forgotten about this blog, but I do have more to say. This issue right now is a combination of being very busy and being completely demoralized from losing all of the pre-written posts I had when my hard disk died.
So just to keep things going for now I'll address a question that no one asked: does anyone know about this blog?
Well, no. I mean, like, no one at all. I'm positive no one follows this. Even people I know. I've told some people I have a blog on this topic, but I haven't told them how to find it. For the most part, however, I haven't alluded at all to the fact that I have this blog. And that, of course, is a big part of the reason no one follows it. I don't advertise. I can't.
The thing is, I figure as long as no one who might ever read this knows who I am, then I'm free to say whatever I want. If I were writing this keeping in mind that my friends, relatives, boss, co-workers, what have you, know about this blog, then I'd be keeping in mind as I write it who may be watching, and making adjustments based on that. If no one knows, I'm free to say anything I want without ever even thinking about whether or not I should phrase things differently, omit things, etc.
so when will I ever tell people about this blog? when it becomes a finished product. that day will happen. I don't know when, but it will. It will be when I'm no longer a failed librarian. And that'll happen either when 1-- I've found that full time job, or 2-- I've given up so utterly and completely that I'm no longer looking for library jobs or planning to ever look again. If the former happens, I will no longer be a failure. If the latter happens, I will no longer be a librarian.
When this is a finished product I will share it with the people who I consider it not inappropriate to share it with.
So if anyone was wondering if this very blog was one of the obstacles I've been having to getting that elusive job, hell no. I'd rather every view be from a spam-bot than give myself away right now. for now I write uncensored, freely, and (preferably) drunk on absinthe.